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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Informing Your Market: The Value of Info-Rich Ads

In generating leads, and even in maintaining them, it’s important to give prospective customers every bit of information about your business to give them a clear picture of what to expect from your products and services. This applies every ad you post on any platform, be it traditional media or online. This is because local businesses that fail to provide even the most basic background information run a bigger risk of losing potential leads.

In a study commissioned by the Yellow Pages Association, they uncovered that almost 20 percent of people found the information on ads posted online (and even on the traditional Yellow Pages) insufficient. The study, titled Local Media Tracking Study, noted that what most ads lacked, as pointed out by the respondents, were the business’ operation hours, details about their projects or services, price ranges, locations, and their website URLs. Another issue is that many of the ads the respondents saw had vague or insufficient information.

On the other hand, any fears of overwhelming your audience with too much information should be put to rest, since the study further found that only between 2 to 5 percent of Yellow Pages users felt that they have been bombarded with information. Although your business might have a great-looking advertisement, an effective ad ensures that a would-be customer gets the most information about your business, from the services you offer to the nature of your products.

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