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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Three Tips for Website Search-Friendliness

If you build it, he will come” goes a popular line from a popular Hollywood movie. Sadly, this statement no longer works with today’s search engines. For sure, you’ll have to work hard for Google and Yahoo to notice you, and the only way to do so is to make your website “search engine-friendly.”

For a search engine-friendly website, you’ll need to follow these tips:

Create an XML Sitemap

XML Sitemaps are a way to tell search engines about pages on your website they may not otherwise discover. In simple terms, creating and submitting an XML Sitemap ensures that search engines will know about all the pages on your site that you want them to recognize.

Conceal irrelevant pages

You may have pages on your site that you don’t want search engines to see, such as Terms and Conditions pages, pages with sensitive information, etc. Use the robotx.txt file to identify pages that search engines should ignore during the crawl.

Build backlinks

Having a lot of different sites link back to yours is a great way for search engines to determine your site’s credibility. Think of these links as votes for your site from other sites. If the creators of these other sites think that your website is worth linking to, then search engines are more inclined to think so, too.

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